Friday 22 June 2012

Список участников следующий

Вы играли в теннис вчера утром? 昨日の朝、あなたはテニスをしていましたか。

Синано дольше, чем все остальные реки в Японии 信濃川は日本で一番長い川です。

В небе пели птицы 空で鳥がさえずっていた。

Она всегда самая отстающая в классе 彼女はいつもクラスのびりである。

Thursday 21 June 2012

Этот комментарий был помечен как спам

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Я хочу чтобы добавили много льда氷をたくさんいれて下さい。
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Сведения о звуке на этом видео

For information about the sound on this video

Martin Guigui
Boogie Wooguigui
A Moment In Time
Old School Records







Tuesday 19 June 2012

Из-за деревьев леса не видеть.木を見て森を見ず。

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 客に行くのはいいが、家ではもっとよい(わが家にまさるところなし)。

Где тонко, там и рвётся. 薄いところは切れやすい(破たんは弱点から生ずる)。 #пословица #ことわざ

Пришла беда, отворяй ворота. 災難がやってきた、門をあけよ(不幸は重なってくる)。 #пословица #ことわざ

От дождя да в воду. 一難去ってまた一難。

Лес видит и поле слышит. 森は見ているし、野は聞いている(壁に耳あり、障子に目あり)。

Голод не тётка. 飢えは楽なものではない(背に腹はかえられない)。

Легче сказать, чем сделать.

Дома и стены помогают. 家では壁も味方。 #пословица #ことわざ

О вкусах не спорят. 好みについては議論はしないものだ、蓼食う虫も好きずき。

Деньги счёт любят. 金は勘定を好む

Всякому свой талант. だれにでもそれぞれ何かの才能がある。

Домашняя дума в дорогу не годится. 家のことを考えていると道中失敗する。

Долгие проводы ― лишние слёзы. 長い見送りは余計な涙(見送りはほどほどに)。

Sunday 17 June 2012

Справа парк, а слева театр. 右が公園で、左が劇場です。

У всякого свой вкус. 人にはそれぞれ好みがある。 #пословица #ことわざ

Семеро одного не ждут. 七人はひとりを待たぬ(少数は多数に従うべきだ)。 #пословица #ことわざ

Деньги счёт любят. 金は勘定を好む(親しいあいだがらでも勘定は勘定)。 #пословица #ことわざ

О вкусах не спорят. 好みについては議論はしないものだ、蓼食う虫も好きずき。 #пословица #ことわざ

На вкус и цвет товарищей нет. 味と色については仲間はいない(十人十色。蓼食う虫も好きずき)。

Сказано ― сделано. 《民話》言ったと思ったらすぐそのとおりになった;〔転義〕言われたことはすぐ実行せよ。

Дома и стены помогают. 家では壁も味方。 #пословица #ことわざ

Свет не клином сошёлся. 世の中は楔でつなぎ合わされているのではない(まだ打開の道はある。人間いたるところ青山あり)。 #пословица #ことわざ

Легче сказать, чем сделать. 言うは易く、行うは難し。 #пословица #ことわざ

Голод не тётка. 飢えは楽なものではない(背に腹はかえられない)。 #пословица #ことわざ

Лес видит и поле слышит. 森は見ているし、野は聞いている(壁に耳あり、障子に目あり)。 #пословица #ことわざ
Мои родители отдыхают на юге. 私の両親は南で保養しています。
Маша играет на скрипке. Masha plays the violin.
Это не собака, а волк. これは犬ではありません、狼です。
Их дети гуляют в саду.  彼等の子どもは庭で遊んでいます。
Вы знаете, где его родители отдыхают? 貴方は彼の両親が何処で休息しているか知っていますか?

Какой сегодня день? Сегодня среда. 今日は何曜日? 水曜日だよ。

Это сумка? Да, это сумка. これは鞄ですか? はい、これは鞄です。

Какой сегодня день? Сегодня понедельник. 今日は何曜日? 今日は月曜日。
From HanabiFlare's profile,








皆さん、私を応援してくれてくださいね〜! →皆さん、私を応援してくださいね~!








Friday 15 June 2012

Не зная, что делать, я не делал ничего何をしていいかわからなかったので、何もしなかった。
Я со вчерашнего дня ничего не ел昨日から何も食べてない。
Странно, что ты ничего не знаешь о её свадьбеあなたが彼女の結婚式について何も知らないとは不思議だ。

Thursday 14 June 2012

Ты не должен есть ничего холодного冷たい食事は、避けてください。
В комнате почти ничего не былоその部屋にはほとんどなにもなかった。
Я ничего не слышал  俺は全く何も聞いてない。

Хуже этого ничего быть не можетあれ以上ひどいものは他にはない。
Я не могу сделать ничего другого私は他に何もできない。
Она ничего не сказала彼女はなにも言わなかった。
Ты ничего ему не сказал?彼に何も言わなかったの??
Он ничего не знает о политике

«Ничего, если я закурю?» «Нисколько. Валяйте.»

Джейн долго ничего не говорила

Сказать по правде, я не помню ничего, что я вчера сказал実を言うと、私は昨日言ったことを全く覚えていない。
Если бы не вы, у меня бы ничего не вышлоあなたが助けてくれなかったら、私はそれをすることができなかったろうに。
Она ничего не знает о птицах и пчёлах彼女はセックスのことをまるで知らない。

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Кстати, у меня вопрос. Сейчас я смотрю фильм "Курьер". И одно предложение я не могу понять. Можно сказать другими словами?

пасибо огромное! Я постараюсь!! И тебе также!! Ой! Я изучаю международное право и гражданское право! ПОСТАРАЕМСЯ!!

Нет ничего полезнее ксероксаコピー機ほど便利なものはない。
Он ничего не знает о политике彼は政治にはまったく無知である。
Я читаю ваш блог. Вы изучаете 7 языков? Прекрасно!

Извини, я не могу понять эту фразу: "сигануть кому на шею". Что значит это выражение?

Aidoru Expo
















#helloProject #animeExpo #aidoruCulture #BeckiiCruel #GeinouProduction #Geinoukai #JRCAch
Как только сел за стол, меня клонит ко сну... Но надо заниматься!机に向かった途端眠気が...しかしやらなきゃ!

: Я чувствую, что ритм и слова стихотворений Бунина весьма красивые


der spricht n überragendes Deutsch ... echt krass!!!

krass って「極端な、ひどい」となってたけど、いい意味でも使うみたいね。


12enma12 a répondu à votre commentaire sur 「JK」 ~OISHII! Project Audition~ :
thank you 'u'~
and oh... the light .... is broken ORZ
sometime it's on and sometime it's off TTATT **need to fix it OTL*
sorry x_x
oaaah!! you're right! OTL!
next time I'll pay attention to le fringe and the lightning >.<!
I'm really sorry *bow*
but thanks for telling me 'u'!
Pour répondre, cliquez ici.

12enma12 はインドネシアに住むボカロ好きの女の子だけど、書く英語が本当にかわいい。顔文字を多用するし、かわいい顔文字をたくさん知っている。moe_twinstyle の次くらいにうまい顔文字の使い手かな。
Власти Японии признали: экономика не выживет без атомной энергетики

Хет-трик Хонды помог Японии разгромить Иорданию

отношения между людьми

relationships between people

В данном случае, "Пожалуйста." по-японски "どういたしまして。"(^o^)/ Да, в прошлом году я играл в спектакле♪

...читает ваш блог. Обалдеть! (Stunned! 唖然!)
 читает ваш блог. Вот это новость! (Here's the news!)

читает ваш блог. С ума сойти! (It's crazy!)
читает ваш блог. Замечательно! (Wonderful!)
читает ваш блог. Чудесно! (Wonderful!)
читает ваш блог. Счастье привалило <3 
Счастье привалило
 читает ваш блог. Дождались! (They were waiting for!)
 читает ваш блог. Классно! (Cool!)

Sunday 10 June 2012

Kiriyan's thumbnail


Saturday 9 June 2012

New findings concerning the issue of CCProse, popping up as unrelated video suggestions by Youtube.

When you post a video, you'll experience unrelated video suggestions made by Youtube.

Let's compare two similar videos. One by Minimico (MilkyMico on Youtube), one by Haristarchan.
They danced to the same song, "One Two Three" by Morning Musume.

And below is the one by Haristarchan

Mico's video was uploaded 2 days ago, Hari's was just now.

When you click Mico's video through either Youtube Search "踊ってみた one two three" or Timeline, you'll see that the video suggestions mostly consist of unrelated videos, by "CCProse".

Only 4 videos were by Mico. [note: when you read this article, the things must have gotten better]

When I clicked Mico's video two days ago, I saw 15 video suggestions by CCProse!
 If you click "more" there'll be more of them.

However, when I clicked Hari's video just now, I only saw 5 videos in the suggestions collumn.

What made that difference? 

To compare the video suggestions, don't go directly to another video, or return to the previous page (the search result) and click another video. You need to do the search again to reset it.

I searched with the same phrase again. I found a video with the same dance cover, uploaded two days ago. In the video suggestion, only 5 videos are dance covers, the rest are all the videos by CCProse (exactly like Minimico's).

I don't know why, but let me allow a wild guess again! I have a bad record about this (I'm sorry for that!).

I think it has a lot to do with the title of the video. Hari's video has (1)モーニング娘。and (2) her name in the title. That must have kept the appearing of CCProse to minimum.

Mico and another gilr's video, they have (2)their name and the title of the song, but not (1)モーニング娘。in the title.

I think Mico should have included モーニング娘。in the video title.

Sorry if my guess is wrong again!

So I am just curious I wanted to get your side of rumors . I will say this. The J-pop community has become un-friendly in the past year and I think you know why, I just wanted your side on Hacking allegations on if they are true or not and why this started.
I have had to drop my facebook J-pop/K-pop group membership because I was tired of rumors that were just too unbelievable to be true. I really am tired of all the gossip. I am happy to find a dancer like Kacy who I can film and edit and she does not attend the sites where all these lies are posted about people.
I have in the past have worked with dancers and they have been totally shakened by the "politics" that should not be there. It is sad to see them kiss up to a certain person because this person denies ever making the insults they have made. I do not blame the person who insults because the dancers go to the site and then they "feed the Trolls".
All I know I wish just this would stop we could go back and appreciate the sites that have just been a positive light to the dancers.
Yours Truly Toru
Gesendet an: jrcach

How to easily get a mirrored dance video

There is an easy way to get a mirrored video.
Install GOM Player or VLC Player.
With Gom Player, you can make a mirrored video by doing a right-click (If you're a Windows user).
Both players can play flv files, as well as almost all popular file types.

GOM Player に加えてVLC Player もインストールしてもいいかもね。WMPではflvとかが再生できないし、ふたつプレーヤーを同時に再生したい場合に便利。

Do you want to hear my really honest opinions about Maggie?

I think she's delusional. She is mental. I don't think she is acting that way, nor is it  a joke.

I have long been silent about that because I was afraid of getting strikes on my Youtube.

I uploaded videos about Venus because I wanted to support a woman who is going to be a good advertisement for Nico Nico Douga. As I kept stressing on my main Tumblr, Nico Nico Douga's success means Japanese subculture's success.

Now I feel like it's ok to get three strikes by Maggie. I think I have gotten enough OKs from the best candidates for my ambition. The recruiting was almost achieved. 

I don't regret failing to get Chobineko and Nekochii.

Chobineko is more interested in Airi and Hello Project, not so much in becoming an aidoru herself.
Nekochii is the only person who ignored my email. That's ok. There's a lot of fish in the sea.

Maggie is intelligent, but simpleton. 

She has enough intelligence to install and tweak FME. She isntalled it after I've posted articles about it.

But she always seems to throw random assumptions to something which is unfavorable to her.

Don't get me wrong, guessing is a normal activity everyone does every day. One thing is missing from her guessing--she doesn't see her assumptions from different angles.

I wrote she is a simpleton. She always see something from one angle.

She thinks dansanohimitsu is run by Beckii. She thinks rantoseru is Marqual, just because the message written on her channel looks the same as the post written by rantoseru.

Maggie doesn't take the trouble to confirm they are the same persons by checking Marqual's YT and rantoseru's Tumblr. It's obvious they are different persons just by looking at their channels for 10 minutes.

It is time-consuming to manage a Tumblr. That alone crosss out the possibility that beckii couldn't have run the dansanohimitsu Tumblr.

I understand her feelings though. She and her daughter (VenusAngelic) are exposed to harrassing comments every day. Even before this xiaorisu-VA incident occurred.
です in the following Tweet is grammatically wrong, but it's often used to sound friendlier. 

宜しく reads よろしく (yoroshiku). Writing it in kanji looks formal. 
If you're better at Japanese, you'll choose to write it in hiragana. 
e.g. がんばってください. 
Some will write がんばって下さい, but I won't recommend that.

harukachristine(春香クリスティーン)(RTed 2)来週も宜しくです!"@nottv_endan: 昨晩の春香クリスティーンさんと政治。いかがでしたか?今日の深夜3時半から、今週1週間分のエンダンが再放送されます。写真は放送後の一枚。#エンダン 《URL:endan_tv》 《Twt:pic_twitter_com》"
A couple of months ago Harvey from jpopdancerscottage had popku (@pop, or Maxine) among her 5 favorite dancers on her Tumblr toppage.

This is popku (@pop)'s Youtube channel now.

Ella (xnekogirl5x) says thank you for including her channel in Maxine's "Other Channels".

Popku is a member of Oishii Project now. Her "Other Channels" are all the members of the group.

This is Harvey's Tumblr now.

Popku is gone!

You'll gradually learn when to drop です

This is from Twitter profile from Haristarchan.

はじめまして。私の名前ははるかです。みんな元気ですか?私は歌と踊りが大好き。14歳中学3年生です。私の誕生日は7月20日です。(。^ω^。 ) 私はハロープロジェクトが大好き!(^∇^)-♪友達になろう!(´・ω・` *)〓
It's perfect Japanese! It's much better than writing like this,

はじめまして。私の名前ははるかです。みんな元気ですか?私は歌と踊りが大好きです。14歳中学3年生です。私の誕生日は7月20日です。(。^ω^。 ) 私はハロープロジェクトが大好きです!(^∇^)-♪友達になろう!(´・ω・` *)〓 

You can drop です, but if you do it too much, it will lose politeness. If you don't lose it at all, your speech will sound awkward with so many "desu".

Don't worry too much about the right way to drop です. You'll learn the balance and when to and when not to as you get used to Japanese speech more.

Friday 8 June 2012

Fashion advice plz! I'm not versed in this!

Someone asked a question
Hi ^^ this is probably a stupid question but I don't know if I should speak/write using plain form (ある、だ) or polite form (ます、です)? Maybe I'm overanalysing this ^^;; I want to sound natural but I don't want to come across rude either >

Hi, thanks for reading my Tumblr~. I don't know in which situation and to what kind of people are you going to speak, so I can't say which to speak with.

If you're making a presentation in a meeting, you should use formal ます、です. 
If you're selling something, you should use the polite form.
If you're talking to your friend, use the bare form.

For example, if you want to be polite,


If you want to be more friendly,


If you drop the certain particles like the following, it gets awkward.


It's as if Jack Bouer is speaking. Of course it comes off as rude in most situations.

Jack Bouer voice-over is like this:


ノルウェーにもアイドル志望の女の子がいますね。ユカぽんのライブのビデオにメッセージを書き込んでた。ニックネームも Yuchu-pon と、完全にユカぽんを意識した名前に。


I can't believe there are so many unfavorable comments to Maxine.
I feel sorry for categorizing her in the F group. She's a few notches above that.

Thursday 7 June 2012

MiniMico: @InsaneLampshade it's not as bad as the porn videos xD I don't get why the related videos aren't related to the video

3:30 (1時間前)
MiniMico: I really don't like how all the related videos to my 1,2,3 cover are book readings

JRCAch: @minimico You should add "踊ってみた" either in the title, in the tags, or in the description. I searched with "one two three 踊ってみた" but your da…

5:01 (3 分前)
JRCAch: Click on your own video again, voila! There's no Shakespeare and Austin in your suggestions. @minimico

5:01 (3 分前)
JRCAch: @minimico ..Go back to the search results. Click on any unrelated videos to your odottemita. Then go back to the previous page. Click on yo…

5:02 (4 分前)
JRCAch: @minimico search with "minimico one two three" on YT, your video will come nearly on top. Click it. Audio readings as suggestions. Go back …

5:02 (4 分前)
JRCAch: True, but when I seached YT with "one two three morning musume" and clicked your "One Two Three", there was no audio reading in the suggest…

There I was talking about "Youtube suggestions". When you watch a video, there are videos displayed on the right column, or at the very end of the video.

I'm talking about the former, like the one we're talking about between Mico and I on Twitter.

Mico uploaded her dance cover of Morning Musume's new single "One Two Three". When she clicked on her own video, she saw a lot of book readings in the video suggestions.

When you click on a newly uploaded video,  clicked from my channel Timeline, view history,, favorited videos, or the Timeline on Youtube top page, you experience such a thing (unrelated suggestions).

As time goes by, and the video will collect enough data to present really "related" videos.

I saw haristarchan's videos mostly on the suggestion collumn when I watched MilkyMico's "One Two Three". That's because I went back to the search results, clicked on Hari's video, went back to the search results, then clicked Mico's video.


Tuesday 5 June 2012

Did you know? Minimico (MilkyMico on Youtube) has 柴犬 for one of the tags of most of her dancing cover videos (I wrote "most" because I didn't check all of them).

I bet there's almost nobody who lands on her videos through that tag.

I searched with 柴犬 on Youtube. I checked up to 30th page, but (of course) I couldn't find any of her videos.

The word 柴犬 (Shiba inu) is too common a word. She needs to target the people who try a specific search.

I suggest she put 踊る犬 as well as 柴犬 for her videos where Suki (the name of her Shibainu) is "dancing" with her.

Also "dancingdog" [one word].

Although Youtube Search "translates" the search word when it processes, it is not perfect. For example, if you search with 犬, it could pick up "dog". It's fickle.

This is a dance cover by Ashley (Kikumaya on YT).

The title she put for it was like this:

Tokyo Girls Style- Onnaji Kimochi (Dance Cover)

And the tags: 
  • Tokyo
  • Girls
  • Style
  • Onnaji
  • Kimochi
  • Dance
  • Cover
  • Jpop
  • Ashley
  • Kikumaya
  • dancing

  • No wonder it has gotten fewer views than it deserved. Let's try to put Japanese keywords to it.

    I gave her the following advice.

    Ashley chan, you need to put these either on the title or for the tags: 東京女子流 おんなじキモチ
    踊ってみた and these for the tags or in the description:  新井ひとみ 山邊未夢 中江友梨 小西彩乃 庄司芽生  アイドル 女の子 歌手  子供 ダンス かわいい PV プロモーション ビデオ NHK アメリカ

    Additional advice: You should prepare a lot of tags. Don't worry about exceeding the limit of the number of tags. If it exceeded, just choose the less important tags, and copy & paste it onto the description. That's important! Youtube Search picks them up.

    Mail to xSlushPuppi3x, November and December last year

    Margaret Palermo (マギ)versus Keekihime (ケーキ姫)

    This is what Margaret Palermo posted on her blogspot, February 9th. 

    This is Keekihime's reaction on her Tumblr.

    Keekihime freaked out and spammed my Erwaenungen

    This is my Twitter reply tab, in November last year.
     Keekihime freaks out when she read my posts on my Tumblr.

    Pix or it didn't happen! 

    WTF is this "pics or didnt happen" and "vids or didnt happen". If it works like this, I was never born!
    Do you have any photos of your birth? But most of us own a Birth certificate, even Obama. Some very unlucky persons from poor countries or war territories often don't have a Birth Certificate. BUT THEY STILL EXIST.

    If it needs a photo, then the most of us are virgins but I can make a photo of an illiterate, holding a book and "read it". You can manipulate people, letting them think, that you REALLY CAN read. Until one day in some situation you HAVE TO read - and you fail.

    I know, photos are often manipulated. I know, even certificates are sometimes manipulated, it's unlawful but some unlawful things happen. What can we believe?

    Can you believe your tummy/heart whatever body organ that transports your instinct?
    That's difficult. We all know, that before turning in victims of a scam we had a strange feeling. Something like "it looks too good", or "wow, that's really strange to have this luck but let's take on it quickly". Or "he doesn't look like a business man, but he wears a suit and stuff like that" or "wow I get this phone totally free, how can the company afford to give free phones to everybody, well, not my problem, I just sign here and there, so great".

    So yes, you should trust your instinct, but you have to know that 100% pure instinct doesn't exist, you always have some brain/mind in the story. So it is difficult.

    If you have just a short time to decide, it is always a dangerous thing. Avoid such stories as possible. And if you have some more time, that's really good. What I prefer to have is something called: IMAGE.  I think you can mostly trust the image of a person, product or company. I you read a lot about a great cream from which 50% of the users get an allergy, I don't think you say: "Give it a try!" No, you will avoid it. This is how advertising works: you say, that the product is good and try your best to build up a positive image.

    So, an IMAGE is something you build up. But even if you work very hard, you will not be able to build up a fake image. Why? Because you have your footsteps wherever you go. And since the Internet doesn't forget, it will be very difficult/impossible, to clean up any mess.

    I admire Beckii, because she has parents to tell her, not to pose in very short stuff. As a grown woman, I can tell you, that being sexy and being cheap is a HUGE difference.

    And I can tell you, how some girls get views on NND and some get a lot of views. Talking? Hell, yeah. Talking about strong body2body relationships, demonstrating skills etc. Japan is openminded about sexuality, BUT not in a vulgar way. It would need a long blog entry to describe it and I don't feel like I should explain it.

    An idol is somebody, who is clean and admirable. A dream girl. A girl giving you the hope of a pure future, but also full of optimism and energy, and full of true feelings. This is a huge difference of vulgarity or pedo pics of the Western. That is often a misunderstanding between Japan and USA/EU.

    As a coach, I can tell all NND or other wannabe girls, that following stuff is very entertaining and of course people want to see it, but it is not ok. You should have a pure mind ... (have also a gif animation with a banane but I preferred to let it in the hidden part of this blog):

    I have to tell you, that if you would like to work as an adult model, it is OK to do so on NND.
    But if you want to be an idol, it's better you think twice.

    Hari-chan, your thumbnail is dark.

    Sunday 3 June 2012

    を踊ってみました dance cover version odottemita go my way! アイドルマスター the idolmaster idolm@ster アビーキンス xSlushpuppi3x MilkyMico mico minimico天海 春香 Amami Haruka 如月 千早 Kisaragi Chihaya 高槻 やよい Takatsuki Yayoi 柴犬 shiba inu dog japanese pop jpop アイドル idol ロリータ・ファッション lolita fashion angelic pretty かわいい cute kawaii おたく otaku ニコニコ動画 nico douga

    を踊ってみました dance cover cover version odottemita go my way!! アイドルマスター the idolmaster the idolm@ster アビーキンス xSlushpuppi3x 天海 春香 Amami Haruka 如月 千早 Kisaragi Chihaya 高槻 やよい Takatsuki Yayoi 柴犬 shiba inu dog japanese pop jpop アイドル idol ロリータ・ファッション lolita fashion lolita angelic pretty かわいい cute kawaii おたく otaku ニコニコ動画 nico nico douga