Thursday 31 May 2012

Quote from Yukapon's Tumblr

okay gaiz
For all the people with questions about this…
My youtube was hacked. I don’t know by who or why I just know I tried to log into my account a couple weeks ago and I couldn’t. I was in Japan and really busy so I just took it as I forgot my password and will find it later… A couple days later I wake up to my blog AND youtube being deleted :/
I got strange emails with my twitter and tumblr passwords after that (which had been changed too, I just didn’t notice because i wasn’t really online at this time).
I don’t work for marvel yell. I haven’t made a contract with any company yet and I’m still free.They didn’t delete my accounts lol.
ALSO I find it amusing how people are saying the imouto character is “oh so sexual”. I am aware that there are some inappropriate films or comics or whatever you want to say that use the imouto theme. imo that doesn’t make the imouto theme bad. There’s a good side and a bad side to it. I don’t think it’s completely innocent but it’s not as bad as you guys are making it either. Of course, when I use it I’m not using it in a sexual way… Which I thought most of you would figure out by now lol but some people still don’t get it? =u=;;
p.s. I’m thinking of dying my hair pink. I shall become pinkupon. :D

My reaction:

If I were Haristarchan I would post her most recent video ( ) to either of these ↑ as "Video Response".

You know, you can do it to one video per one video of yours.

Stay away from morningmusumechannel or jijipress ↓

jijipress (時事通信社)is a news site. They won't accept video responses, neither will H!P official.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Someone asked a question
How can I garner Japanese fans without using niconama live?

(1) If you are a dancer, let's find some memes and dance to them?


【ニッキ初音】 Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! 踊ってみた

337 469 просмотров 1 год назад

Nikki got 100 times more viewers than from her other videos of the same time. That's an astounding number.

NYAN CAT DANCE! Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!【踊ってみた】

599 464 просмотра 1 год назад

This is Kelsey's NyanCat. You can expect 10 times more viewcounts with an extremely popular meme.

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初音ミク - Ievan Polkka - コスプレ

370 846 просмотров 1 год назад

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【ビナス 13歳】 マイムマイム

114 558 просмотров 2 г. назад

Did you notice? The videos related to an internet meme got 10 times more viewcounts than her other videos from the same period.

Значок видео


25 282 просмотра 1 год назад 

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Paffendorf アッーウッウッイネイネ by Venus Angelic

33 251 просмотр 1 год назад 

How to catch memes:

This is the general ranking for NND videos. You can go to various categories from here.

Music and Entertainment category

Odottemita category.

It's too late when a meme becomes an independent entry on

(2) Find social phenomena and dance to them.

Значок видео

Party Rock Anthem LMFAO~Shuffle Dance By KimonoTime踊ってみた

538 974 просмотра 1 год назад

This isn't a meme, but I guess it was an extremely popular club music.

If you look out for Oricon Charts (オリコンチャート) you'll easily catch what music are popular in Japan now. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is all the rage now, so let's dance to her music.


AKB48 is a social phenomenon in Japan. If you dance to it, you can count on viewcounts. Let's take precautions against copyright violation. They are tougher than H!P.

Значок видео

【ビナス】 AKB48 - ポニーテールとシュシュ- 踊ってみた

91 086 просмотров 1 год назад

Значок видео

AKB48 Beginner[ ビギナー]を踊ってみたKelsey「ケルシー」

220 739 просмотров 1 год назад

Compare these videos with their videos from the same periods. They got significantly more viewcounts.

(3) Learn Japanese

Learn Japanese and be fluent enough to make conversation without difficulty. Then,

(4) actively participate in chats with JP speaking people on Twitter. For that, you should 

(5) follow a lot of people who speak Japanese. For that, try to find your potential fans and follow them. Find the same kind of persons as you are. Check out for their followers and the ones they are following. "Relevancy" is the key.

If you know how to use a bot/ or make a Twitter bot/ you could follow someone automatically. That's for advanced people. If you don't follow relevant people, it doesn't serve your purpose well.

(6) Make vlogs constantly, in which you speak to Japanese people in Japanese. That makes a huge difference.

My evaluation of Nina Seron skyrocketed because of this video:

It moved me to almost tears. It's not only her Japanese skills but also her emotions she put into her speech, and her facial expression that didn't look fake at all. 

She even sent it to UPFRONT. You need this activeness when you want to become famous in Japan.

If I were Nina, I'd find the most appropriate and popular video regarding Tanaka Reina, and send her video as "Video Response".

Haristarchan made a dance video with a little speech in Japanese.

It's important! If you have a person you respect/ you got a lot of influence from, and announces she's retiring, let's make a vlog addressing to her. It's more important than making a cheap "Happy birthday" video.

This is Nina's vlog sending Happy Birthday to Reina Tanaka.

It was picked up by a user on 2ch category dedicated to H!P, and given a thread for this video. Isn't that why she has lots of JP fans?

(7) Thumbnail pictures are crucial!

This can't be stressed enough.

This is the best thumbnail by Nina. People will pay to view this rather than her other videos, like this:

Значок видео

【ニーナこ】 ももいろクローバー「ココ☆ナツ」

1 255 просмотров 3 нед. назад

If you care about your subs, why don't you take a little of bit of your time longer for your editting, and try to get a better thumbnail?

As of now, it's completely random which 3 thumbnail pics Youtube will choose for your video, unless you are partnered 
(If you are, you can attach a pic for your video). 

Let's make 3 videos. One video, as you'll usually make. Second, crop a milliseconds from the first video. Third, crop another milliseconds from the second.

Then upload the first video. If you didn't get a nice thumbnail, upload the second. 

(8) Write your profiles in Japanese

It's important! Nina has her profiles in Japanese, like this.

Please to see my infos and trivia in english ,click on the **more** button
こんにちぱ !!!!!
私はニーナ (NINA) /// ニーナこ(NINAKO)♥ です☆
アイドル になりたい( '▽ `)
Haristarchan removed her Japanese text from her profile. Why? She's going to lose her potential fans who speak Japanese.

#NikkiHatsune #KimonoTime #VenusAngelic #Haristarchan #thePinkMandarine #NinaSeron #Paffendorf #Nyancat #MEMES #AKB48
Don't quote me but I think derpydanceropinions is Maxine. I blocked her from my main Tumblr early May. Since then she hasn't been able to read my articles there. 

It followed my Tumblr a day after the new opinion site was born. Now that I think it's Maxine, I feel sorry for her for blocking her.

But congrats Maxine, you can read my articles through your Dashboard.

I don't think she's crafty enough to be able to hide her writing style, nor has she a crafty personality.

I don't think her personality is as horrible as her mother's. I don't mind being of any help to her, as long as she keeps being what she's been so far.

americanjokebot: 精神病患者「先生、私は自分が犬なのではないかと思っているのですが」医者「そんなばかな。それで、いったいいつ頃からそのように思うようになったのですか?」患者「私が子犬の頃からです」

About Me
こんにちは!私の名前ははるかです。あなたは私Haristar/ハリスターを呼び出すことができます。私が歌うと踊りが大好き。私はアイドルになりたい。私を支えて下さい!(^∇^)-♪ 私はハロープロジェクトが大好き!(´・ω・`*)❀友達になろう!
↑This is Haruka's profile from 「を呼び出すこと」→「と呼ぶこと」 but the most natural rewrite would be 「と呼んでください。」

↓This is from her Twitter profile.

はじめまして。私の名前ははるかです。みんな元気ですか?私が歌と踊りが大好き。14歳中学3年生です。私の誕生日は7月20日です。(。^ω^。 ) 私はハロープロジェクトが大好き!(^∇^)-♪友達になろう!(´・ω・`*)

She should say 私は歌と踊り. This is the second time I mentioned it to her. I think I sent a correction to her Twitter. I hope she won't ignore my advice this time.

americanjokebot: 犬「この家の人達は、餌をくれるし、愛してくれるし、心地良いすみかを提供してくれるし、よく世話をしてくれる。この家の人たちは神に違いない!」 猫「この家の人達は、餌をくれるし、愛してくれるし、心地良いすみかを提供してくれるし、よく世話をしてくれる。自分は神に違いない!」

americanjokebot: 神は天と地を作った。海と山を作った。そして日本という国を作った。日本には世界一勤勉な人々、世界一うつくしい風景、世界一おいしい食べ物、世界一過ごしやすい気候を作った。天使が言った。「神様、これではあまりに日本が恵まれすぎています!」神はこたえた。「心配するな。隣に韓国を作った」

A good-looking dancer from Indonesia. Funny, she says "I'm a foreigner" in her profiles. Her looks are not distinguishable from JP gilrs.

Monday 28 May 2012

 Когда у меня есть что-то непонятно, я вас спрошу!

このブログのこの投稿で、あるビデオ検索サイトからYoutubeの関連タグをコピーしてきて、こちらに貼り付ける実験をしてみようと思います。他の記事に迷惑をかけないように、Read more をクリックしたら見れるようにしてあります。

Yukapon's community...hacked? Just deleted?


お手伝いしてくれてた人が間違って 今まで使っていたコミュニティや動画を消してしまいました。



She is super! The number of subs doesn't reflect at all her awesomeness. She doesn't interact with the dancers who speak English, that's why she has so few subs for her super cuteness.

I'm so glad I found her channel.
時系列はこうです (Chronologically, this way )

JRCAch Nico Nico Café

Haristarchan アイドルシャイニング ハリ★☆✰~
@JRCAch You do realise I can read all of your tweets...I understand them.

JRCAch Nico Nico Café
@haristarchan えー本当かな。誤解なく読まれているかどうか、すこし心配だけど。

Haristarchan アイドルシャイニング ハリ★☆✰~
@JRCAch 私は間違っている場合。ごめんなさい。

JRCAch Nico Nico Café
Sonya replies to my M in JP, even if I've sent her a M in EN. She's always humble and nice to boot. Haribo often replies to me in EN, when
..when I've tweeted to her in JP. She's nice though. @haristarchan
Airinokappa (Chobineko).

In the first video she addresses the members of Morning Musume.

In this video she's speaking to people in English. She's speaking in much lower pitch.

The first one is more appealing and attractive.

Sunday 27 May 2012

MMD video by NerudoraP. His name comes from Neru, a vocaloid character "亞北ネル (Akita Neru)" and "drummer" that he is. P means "producer, creator".

The ones who clicked dislike button constitute less than .5 %. Almost all the comments to this video are applause.

Wow! This has got to be most perfect Miku song and video ever made. The only thing I can pan about this work is that it took me almost a year to bump into it. This deserves to be on YouTube's front page and on everyone's playlist; and it would be if finding this wasn't so random. The attention to details here are amassing; from the strumming of the guitars to the intense focus of the singer and the swaying of the performers. The drummer is even using the fat end of her sticks. Perfect
I'll see attentively.
A handle of a base is also shaking.

This MMD is really realistic. NeruDra-P did a really good job making this. Thank you, wherever you are!

This is straightup the best MMD video ever made. I can't even imagine how long it must've taken to make
Hey I'm a old guy from Seattle and I've been in rock for about 45 years and this just ranks up there as the most evocative piece of pop/rock/art I've ever seen. What I love about this is it's purity and creativity. These synthetic creatures have no annoying bullshit egos and stupidity. We're dealing with a message from somebody's heart whether executed by Hatsune, Luka, Rin or Len. You can't make this happen without love.
Glow is SOOOO well crafted - Now a cover of FLCL Hybrid Rainbow!!!
Yeah - the Pillows - I have the FLCL soundtrack and always think of Hybrid Rainbow that way.
This song has been freaking me out - I figured out the chords for this tune and it's quite distinctive. It's just such a great tune - as is Hybrid Rainbow - put it together with the band and Miku and the animation and it's such a fabulous thing.
I find this video guilty of awesome in the first degree.
The little details in this are absolutely incredible. From Miku's expressions (expressions!), to Kaito's swaying, to the detail put into the drumming, the intricate stained glass background... it's hard to believe they actually aren't human. The emotion that they are able to convey...
One of the best MMDs I've ever seen, if not THE best. Bravo!
Thank you for uploading =]
The song feels a little different without streams of comments, flowers and stars. *goes to watch on nico nico*
neru is the drummer miku is the singer kaito is the guy gutarist haku is the bass player ;3 also this isnt a movie just another pv did i straighten things out for ya?
Thats a master piece people.
Master Piece=Something you dont understand but cry from the beauty
i play guitar, and i must say you got the guitarists movements down so well, it looks effortless.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Пользователь lilymouse0211 оставил комментарий. 
4 дн. назад
Thank you for looking at dance♫ Happy comments❤

  • lilymouse0211 
    Пользователь lilymouse0211 оставил комментарий. 
    2 мес. назад
    Always thank you(=^・^=)
  • lilymouse0211 
    Пользователь lilymouse0211 оставил комментарий. 
    2 мес. назад
    Comment Thank you ❤LILIA ❤
  • lilymouse211 
    Пользователь lilymouse211 оставил комментарий. 
    3 мес. назад
    Comment Thank you ☆ 彡 I am very glad ✿ Happiness ❤
  • lilymouse0211 
    Пользователь lilymouse0211 оставил комментарий. 
    5 мес. назад
    Hi I made a new channel ♫ I am glad if I watch it ✿