Monday 10 December 2012

Saturday 17 November 2012

3-part-article Part 3:how sanpakugan are viewed in Japan

In this article we'll discuss how Japanese people look at 三白眼 (sanpakugan).

First the definition of it. It's the state of human eyes that look
having white part between iris and the lower eyelid. (See pic 1).


It's considered scary in Japan. Especially women wear black contact
these days to conceal it.

Now let's look once again at Mico's pics. (pic2 and 3)


Pic 3 is not sanpakugan. Did you figure out the similarity? It's the
large areas of the white part.

It's responsible for Mico looking less cute than usual.

Let's avoid it at all cost.

The following video is by OishiiJenny. She has sanpakugan.

Some claim the term should be reserved for referring only to those
born with the trait.

In manga (like One Piece), sanpakugan is often depicted for
characters. People think they are cool in manga.

But in real life, people say sanpakugan are scary.

Those with sanpakugan say they have experienced unpleasant things
because of how they look with those eyes.

But there are a lot of 有名人 (famous people) with such eyes.

You don't need to worry too much about having ones.

For curious reference, I picked out two comments from 2ch.


Up until now I have despised the girls with black contact, feeling
creepy. I can't help approving of wearing one, in the cases with the
pics of sanpakugan in message71.


In manga it's cool, in reality it's only scary.

3-part-article Part2: avatar review

As stressed in the previous article, avatar pics make a huge
difference for people in visiting your channel.

We've seen Mico's case. There's a cute vlogger and dancer Jellyneko.

Pic1 is her avatar. It's a regrettable opportunity loss.

There's also a cute dancer named MikuMikunishiteageru. Pic2 is her

Is it a cover pic for some horrer film?

Pic 3 is Abbiekins. 


What a lovely avatar pic! It's just like a cat
during the night. Large iris and the reflection is the key.


Pic 4 is for otakuowls. Krissee (lower left)and Nitsugatcha (lower right) have sanpakugan-ish eyes.


Pic 5 is the one for Nitsugatcha's own channel. Which do you think is prettier?

To avoid sanpakugan, try to face straight into the camera.

Friday 16 November 2012

3-part-article: I found out why Minimico looks less cute in her new avatar

This time I'll talk about (1) the importance of avatar (thumbnail)
pics and (2) the issue of eyes and how people react to the ratio of
the iris (if you're Japanese it's the black part of your eyes).

First, take a look at pic 1.


It had been the profile pic of minimico's
Twitter ( and of her Youtube

A while ago, she changed the pics to the one on pic 2.


Let me be honest, I don't like her new one.

In fact the number of visits to her channel dropped significantly.
Before the change of avatar, I'd visit her channel almost everyday.

To be fair it is not only the avatar. The lack of proper lighting in
the most recent videos of her made her skin look pale.

Like these ones. Her skin doesn't look yummy.

The pic 1 was a perfect avatar for me. Each time I saw it, it stoked
my desire to watch her video. Indeed I did.

Let's think about the reasons. What do you think detracted the kawaiiness?

Now let's see pic3. It's the lovely cat from Shrek.


Did you notice the similarity to pic1 (Mico's face)?

Yes, it's the large proportion of iris (the blackish part).

That is one of the reasons why they look lovelier.

Also compare it with the cat from another scene (pic 4).

It's typical eyes you see of cats in the day. Iris is narrow to decrease the light
coming in from outside.

I love cats during the night. I would often admire the emerald like
eyes of my beloved cat in the night (pic 5),

then be dissappointed the next day in the bright daylight (pic 6).

In general, babies have large iris. Pic7 is the baby you often find in
Billy Hillington memes. We see that he has large iris.


Before finding out that reason, I went back to my Minimico folder. It
was not that I overrated Mico's cuteness. See pics8 and 9. She's one
of the cutest girls out there.


Even as cute as Mico could look average if you don't capture her right.

#minimico #otakuowls #sanpakugan #Shrek

Saturday 6 October 2012

Don't type x in the URL field!

Man: Are you still using FireFox?

Woman: Yes, why?

Man: Why don't you start using Google Chrome? It's convenient!

[Pointing to the URL field of his PC] Type "y" in the field. It instantly displays the URL of Youtube. Chrome remembers which site you often visit.

If I type "i", it displays Image Google. It saves a lot of time!

Woman: What if I type "x" in the URL field?

Man: Hold on, please don't do that!!!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Keekihime already has a "character"

Keekihime reblogged my post,

I actually only forgot about it =/
☆ 2 notes
☆ 1 hour ago
☆ via jrcach

Some anon posted in response to it.

But the only videos you give credit on are Yume Yume and too Cute!... I mean, I don't think you're obligated to give credit, but if you don't you shouldn't lie and say "Oh I just forgot."
asks Anonymous
you know that my last video is about 6 months ago?
I maybe didn’t do it in the past but I am doing it now.
☆ 0 notes
☆ 53 minutes ago

Probably the same anon asked question again.

You've been on Nico for how long and you didn't know? Ok. I like you, but I feel like you get offended too easily and let it show. By the way, I saw the ask about your cosplay being I Japan and it made me wonder, how are things going in Austria? Do you think you'll be able to return to Japan and Tone Jewel any time soon?
asks Anonymous
didn’t know what? Dude. Guys. I am sorry for not putting credit but oh look magic, there are credits now.
end of drama
☆ 0 notes
☆ 44 minutes ago

Reading Keekihime's Twitter is interesting because she shows her emotion and doesn't conceal it from public eyes.

Reading her reactions, I already see an Akujo chara (悪女キャラ).

In Japanese, 悪女 doesn't have as bad meaning as the word might look.

Monday 3 September 2012

Half- and quarter- Japanese aidoru

Pointy chin is not unpopular in Japan after all!

Several months ago, I wrote some articles about how unpopular pointed chins are in Japan.

I also wrote that Itano Tomomi (板野友美)was getting a lot of jeer for having a pointed chin.

A month ago, a well-known beauty clinic did a survey: Whose face do you want to have after plastic surgery?

To my surprise, Itano Tomomi came on top of the ranking!

I was duped by the appearance of things.

On internet, I found a lot of discussion and threads mocking Itano Tomomi for her pointed chin.

This is the ranking.

1位:板野友美(AKB48)Itano Tomomi
2位:トリンドル玲奈 Triendle Rena
3位:佐々木希 Nozomi Sasaki
4位:キム・テヒ Kim Tehi
5位:安室奈美恵 Namie Amuro
6位:益若つばさ Tsubasa Masuwaka
7位:沢尻エリカ Erika Sawajiri
8位:菜々緒 Nanao 
9位:浜崎あゆみ Ayumi Hamasaki

This is the face of Itano Tomomi, the girl whose face is craved by the most number of Japanese women.

Come to think of it, there are some girls who are aidoru, and have a pointy chin.
Miyabi Natsuyaki of BerryZ Koubou (BerryZ工房).

Also Mayu Watanabe (渡辺麻友)of AKB48 has a pointy chin, not as protruded as Miyabi's, though.

I had found a funny comment on a thread discussing Mayu's pointy chin,

It says "We gotta admit already, Ayase Haruka, Ramirez [note: one nickname of 渡辺麻友; she was given this nickname because she looked a lot like a famous black baseball player named Ramirez]. We like this level of shakure (pointy-ness) after all."

Friday 31 August 2012


xxauyuxxViola: Two days ... and we have to go to hell ... I do not want to school ! ;( I want to holiday! :(

This is a Tweet Viola (

I don't think I'm supposed to chuckle, but couldn't help it.

There's an internet meme I love, Polandball.

When adding a caption, you are supposed to let the Ponaldballs speak in rather awkward English. Intentional grammatical errors are a requisite.

The most famous caption with Polandball is this: Poland can't into space.

I know German, so I know it'd be natural to make this type of grammar error if you're German.

I don't know Polish grammar at all. It must have influenced her Tweet.



Wednesday 22 August 2012

No, that won't happen. Your reply like that shows you're not suitable for aidoru.

Abbie to Nico Nama

I posted it on my main Tumblr back in November last year.

I managed to bring Abbie-kins to do Nico Nama.

I'm hoping Pixyteri will choose Haruka for her new stage name.
The answer is


It's a Russian airliner which is infamous for a lot of safety issues.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

The same thing applies to making an opposite Tweet. Like this,

JRCAch Time: A person I met this weekend is different to how I assumed. I'm sorry, you are a total dick!! ~<33

If you've met more than one person? You meant only one person, but the other persons might misunderstand it for pointing the finger at them.

You'll make unnecessary enemies by expressing your honest feelings.

Clever Tweet

I know KimonoTime is not the kind of person who's calculating it, but just thought it's a good idea to introduce it as a clever Tweet you can use sometimes.

KimonoTime: A person I met this weekend is different to how I assumed. I'm sorry, you are soo sweet!! ~<33

If she met more than one person, that's clever. 

If you're more famous, you meet a lot of people.

If more than one person thinks she meant them by that Tweet, that's successful!

Monday 20 August 2012

 I saw morning musume live in Paris, got their autographs and got called cute by everyone except Aika :D

Title: An Insensitive Man Who doesn't Notice My Attactiveness

Sunday 19 August 2012

I compared three One Two Three videos (bowing and such tho)

NikkiHatsune. She's shy. After the bow she shows an unconfident smile, and leaves hurriedly from the screen.

I'm not saying it is a bad thing. On the contrary, looking unconfident/insecure sometimes works for you.

We are fed up with confident, assertive women in real life (sometimes it is a good trait for a leader though).

Aidoru lovers tend to like the faint little girls whom they can't help wanting to protect. They like bashful, innocent, shy girls.

This is One Two Three by Thaksin Neyoko.

Her bow and her smile is always great in every video. She is exemplar when it comes to smiling and bowing.

xxAuyuxx (Viola) from Poland.

I like her cool leaving from the screen. It's like a catwalk model coolness.

Yes, I like burikko, but there's got to be variations in an aidoru group. If an aidoru group comprises solely burikko, that's not interesting.

SMAP is unique and attractive as a group because it consists of a whole different five members.

CONCLUSION: I love these girls, and they have their charm in their own ways.




I found these comments on this video funny,

This is one video by boobiesdeshou,

Nitsugatcha, a friend of sunrays

How would you describe your best friend?

The next one is Welsh and is a friend of the sun-rays. She always has amazing hair even though she doesn't think so herself. She is completely obsessed with teen top and is probably going to kidnap Chunji one day.

Hahaha, this is Mico describing her friend Nitsugatcha. She's describing her as "a friend of the sun-rays" here. ^_^;

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Monday 13 August 2012



今年3月上旬の Hyper Japan ではニコ生に外人を誘導するチャンスだ、として公式放送のニコ生をキャプチャーしてYoutubeにアップしてました。


最後にみたのはキニぽん (Ceeney,の放送でしょうか。

公式放送はJapan Expo 2012 のタイムシフトを閲覧したんですがね。それが最後でした。



Sunday 12 August 2012

Unlike Muhammad, my consummation of meow-age came when I was 15 years old.

That was not more than mofu-mofu-ing and sinking my face into the snow white and slightly pinkish tummy of my beloved cat though!

Whether you should follow-back or not

Basically you should follow-back someone who followed your blog, etc.

But you should do a quick screening.

(1) Why you should, because you'll be retaining a lot of fans.

I used to not follow-back on my Tumblr--looking back, that was part of the reason why I got so many haters.

I would have gotten a lot of haters still, but fewer if I had the habit of following back. Take this wisdom!

Since I began to follow back people, the supporting messages to my Inbox have increased, and slandering messages decreased!

(2) Why need screening? Because following back any and every person depreciates your value.

I'm sure you found such messages as "OMG! KimonoTime followed me!" something like that.

Her fans are extremely glad when she follows (back).

If they find that she will follow every person she's been followed by?

In reality she is not the case. She follows back the blogs only when she judges they are worth reading.

By doing a quick screening you can keep your "brand image".

And this is important. Let's not set the standards too high! Let's make it low, just enough to maintain your brand image.

Even if the blogs are not overlapping your interest, let's follow them!

You might complain, you need to follow too many blogs, which will flood your Dashboard with the posts you are not interested in so much.

Let's make two accounts, one for your official blog, one for your personal use.

If you want to read your followers blogs, use your personal one and read them.

Note: For your personal blog, name something that won't betray your name.

I hope you will find this strategy effective for your Youtube channel too!

Anonymous asked a question
Are there any cute youtube dancers from countries like Spain, France...?

I'm not a Geinoujin (芸能人, celebrity), so I don't mind much answering this kind of question. However, if you are an aidoru for example, to whom her fans are important, you shouldn't reply to this kind of question.

Saying you love someone causes jealousy. If that someone is a famous person, for example, Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber, that doesn't matter a lot.

For the same reason you should refrain from the recent fad #FF (pound-FF) on Twitter.

Doing it helps to strengthen the bond between your close SNS friends. At the same time doing it will disappoint all the rest of your fans, even a slightest degree.

To answer your question, yes there are! I love to watch their videos.

Saturday 11 August 2012




(1)世俗化させたい勢力と(2)シーア派に引き込みたい勢力(hint hint!)の両方の動きがあるらしい。






Thursday 9 August 2012

以前ミコにだれが歌ったもの、と聞いたらDanceroid だと思うとの答えが。

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Yukapon wannabes

xAbbieisaKittyx (the girl who looks a lot like Yukapon and often so mentioned) uploaded her new video "Love will surely skyrocket Dance Cover".

This is the tags.

It is obvious to me AbbieisaKitty copied most of the tags from Abi-pop's same dance cover.
This is the tags for Abi-Pop's "Love will surely skyrocket" Dance Cover.

I'm not trying to say that copying tags is a bad thing. Just that it is interesting how she refuses to admit she copied Yukapon, and she must have copied the video tags from other people!
The following are from the video tags of previous videos of her.

Did you notice the tags "13 ロリ otaku おたく akiba"?
I'm not sure if she didn't really get influence from Yukapon.

Getting influence from someone is not a bad thing.

But not just for this girl, emulating Yukapon would be difficult from now on.

From Yukapon's fans, they will be criticized as Yukapon wannabes.
After her Yukapon's scandals, Yukapon has had a bad image.

For those who admire Yukapon, that's fine. But they will need to change direction if they look like Yukapon in their videos.

Sunday 5 August 2012


So, don’t be too afraid of making mistakes in doing anything—dance, sing, drawing, etc.
People may find your mistakes charming. You can turn your shortcomings to your strongpoints.
In Japanese entertainment, there is a key word どじっ子 or どじっ娘  (dojikko).
What is it?
If you watch anime, you’ll often find some characters who fail, fumble in anything they do.
They are often depicted as lovable characters.
If you are an elitist, perfect character, less people will love you.
If you are a dojikko, people can easily relate to.
That’s why dojikkos thrive in anime. You can find the elements in Geinoukai.
There is even a word “dojikko moe”. People easily find moe in Dojikko, rather than stuck-up elite characters.

Saturday 4 August 2012


I like Karinabeby, this video is by far my favorite.

What are the differences between Keekihime and Beckii?

Keekihime recently became an aidoru in Japan.
Beckii (Cruel) used to be an aidoru for half a year.

What are the differences between these two girls?

(1) Beckii's debut was a windfall, while Keekihime earned it.


Beckii uploaded her dance videos. I don't think she made efforts to become aidoru or anything. She was not going to become one in the first place.

Keekihime wanted to become H!P type aidoru. I guess she wanted to be part of it.
Besides aidoru, she liked anime and cosplay.

She began to study Japanese. She watched videos on Youtube, wrote articles on ameblo (I don't remember if she also wrote Mixi), used Skype often, tweeted a lot. In other words, she interacted a lot with her fans in Japan.

And she set up her community on Nico Nama. She instantly became a popular Nama Nushi (broadcaster).

Now her community has almost 25,000 members.

About a year passed, and she came to Japan to contact agencies.

Earlier this year, she became a member of aidoru group Tone Jewel.

Granted, she's done some controversial things and had some problems with people.

She won the title アイドル. She earned it by efforts.

She may not be a top aidoru, still it is an aidoru. By definition, she is a professional who is admired by her fans.

Before she became an aidoru, she WAS a person whom a lot of fans admired.

There was a thread on 2ch dedicated to her, in which one or more of her fans wrote admiring comments each time Keekihime posted her pic on her Twitter.

She was a person who had admiring fans before becoming an aidoru. She was an aidoru before even becoming an aidoru.


What about Beckii? She was a lucky girl. She posted her dance videos on Youtube. They became popular on Youtube.

A former producer with Fuji TV found her. He made her a star, with barely training for becoming aidoru.

He brought along two accompanying girls, one from UK, one from France, and put together an aidoru group. Japanese people viewed their music video.

They found it lame. Mucic was 翼を下さい (Give Me Wings), which Japanese students often sing for chorus cotests.

And they found the two accompanying girls, especially the French one, were so obasan.

Some thought Beckii herself was not so cute as they had seen on Youtube. They thought here was another Magibon (i.e., "disappointment").

Beckii's aidoru period lasted half a year.

Still I can't help considering it as a great event in the history of entertainment industry in Japan.

Before Beckii, there had been no one who became aidoru through just uploading her videos on Youtube.

If the former Fuji TV producer didn't find her, Beckii wouldn't have been Beckii now.

She owes her success to him.

What has Beckii kept saying?

She's kept saying the producer is an insincere man who deceived her.

We've read only Beckii's side of the story. What was the reality like?

I don't know, but this much is certain. She was a lucky girl. Some able man found her and made her a star. She turned out to be talent-less and her looks was not so impressive, so her fans abandoned her. Her aidoru period lasted only half a year.

Beckii almost made us believe it was all due to the former producer's fault.

There must have been some complicated issues which haven't even been disclosed.

Beckii, after her aidoru period, became successful as a singer in UK. Wasn't it possible only because she had attained aidoru status, even if it was short-lived?


I haven't checked Beckii's Tumblr these several months, so I browsed it.

Beckii thinks she is still "aidoru" now.

I'm not saying this because she is part of Oishii Project, but quite honestly, she is done.

No one in Japan thinks she is aidoru now. The aidoru period of her lasted only half a year.

This is the Q&A on her Tumblr.

do you consider yourself still an idol? are you going to be producing any songs, or work in japan. Or are you done.

I’m not done, I’ll take what work comes my way :3 I’m not quitting officially if there’s the chance that something cool would come along a week later! It’s always the way.

Marqual sent me this message

Yuka's meme
Searching for yukapon in tumblr I found an intersting meme that you posted.
Personaly I always find her moe, but if you really need to hear your 3 reasons , according to what you have posted so far :

1 She was blackmailed by a certain someone who wants to be the little girl
2 She start calling you names , when you insulted her because of that (major debut in japan post)
3 She colaborated with dansa no himitsu, who you still can't cope with ಥ‿ಥ

As for some girl to replace her, I dont see how would that be possible. It was not only the clothes or accessories , the mincing with the audience , the improvisations of skits , all the unique elements that indites a unique moe character.
Its like saying that any girl who knows ballet , can become Yurinka22 overnight (^ Q ^)/
Отправлено: jrcach

Marqual sent me this messsage after he saw my post.

He is wrong in his reason 2.

This is the order of what happened between Yukapon and me.

(1) I received an anon message, so I replied to it.

This is the article.

(2) Yukapon was mad when she read it. She sent this message.

(3) I was offended by her insult. So I posted this on my second Tumblr (

I was not interested in her pee scandal when I learned it. I found a Tweet on my Timeline mentioning it, but it was not much of a surprise to me. I knew she was open about her sexuality long before her hacking incident, from last October.

As for the replacement of her, Marqual is right. Yukapon was almost perfect, and could pass off as a professional entertainer.

Monday 30 July 2012

Here is another talented girl.

Schyler Verna.

She is an actual person (J-POP dancer) and a character and sound source of UTAU.

Friday 27 July 2012

I sent suggestions to AbbieisaKitty as soon as I'd read Yamatora's article

My Twitter friend Yamatora has written this article about Yukapon.

There he reports about Yukapon these days. That she's so busy with her boutique shop that she doesn't have the time to resume her loli chara or Nico Nama. He also proposes "Who should take over her loli chara, if ever?"

He states the reason being that it'd be too regrettable if she wouldn't resume her Nico Nama community she'd built up. He also says it's not good for her fans as it is. He says let's save them!

He then presents one of Abbie's video. Quite honestly, I myself thought it was Yukapon when she was younger at first.

He then reports that she's being mentioned a lot and being criticized for looking like Yukapon.

He ascribes her denying mimicking Yukapon to being a Westerner, who thinks it bad to mimic someone.

He thinks it'd be interesting if Abbie came to Nico Nama and introduced herself as Yukapon style. He says people will go "yeeehoooo, here comes a rejuvenated Yukapon!"

As soon as I've read this article by Yamatora, I sent the foll owing message to Abbie.

Hi Abbie, I have a suggestion (Yukapon related)
Hi Abbie chi, I've subscribed to your channel and known you for a while now.

I see that you are being mentioned a lot these days as Yukapon wannabe. Sorry for putting it that way, that's what some people tend to see you as, not your fault.

I know how you feel. It's alright to talk back and claim that it is not your intention to look like Yukapon.

As Yukapon said herself she quit being a loli character, here I have a suggestion.

Why don't you "take over" the fanbase Yukapon has built up over this past year, and build your own base in Japan?

That would be much easier and faster to build up your fanbase in Japan, than beginning your own from scratch.

I don't know if you've read my articles (, Yukapon had a massive Nico Nama community of about 11,000 members. That's a huge, compared to Keekihime with 25,000 members (She recently became a member of an aidoru unit Tone Jewel).

Akira, who had helped her with Nico Nama, deleted her Nico Nama community, so Yuka has to start from scratch if she has the will to resume her Nico Nama.

As far as I know, Yukapon doesn't seem to want to resume her loli chara.

Why don't you take over her role?

Here's a suggestion. Don't be afraid of being labled "Yukapon wannabe". Instead of caring too much about it and allowing it to affect you, let's make use of what people tend to lable you as, and make it your weapon?

How to "take over" her fanbase? Just simply, introduce yourself as post Yukapon or ユカぽん二世 or ユカぽんの妹 (sister of Yukapon) or whatever.

Since Yukapon is already known on Nico Nama, you'll gather up your fans a lot easier! Since her fans in Japan have no idea what has become of Yukapon, they will easily become fans of you!

I don't know how serious you are about becoming famous in Japan, but if you have a slightest desire, this is my suggestion. You are no less cuter than Yukapon.

Let's not let your self-esteem get in the way of taking up Yukapon route. Once you've become famous enough, you can take off your Yukapon character and develop your own.

It's more important to build up your fanbase... and how fast you can pull it off!

Since people say you remind them of Yukapon, that's a huge advantage, not disadvantage!

Let's not take their labling as slander, but complement!

If you have any interest about my suggestions, please consider starting your broadcast on Nico Nama in the near future.

xSlushPuppi3x and KimonoTime have started Nico Nama this year. I helped them both to start their own by providing information.

I suggest you visit their broadcast to see what Nico Nama is like.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Someone asked a question

Where are you from?

>Sorry for ignoring this message. I'm from Kansai area and lived most of my adolescence there. Later I moved to Tokyo to study linguistics and such (though I failed on my first trial at my Uni, (・.・;)

I'm back in Kansai now. Later this year I'm going to Osaka (technically it's not located in Osaka, but the phone number shares 06 with the residents of Osaka, so people see the city virtually part of Osaka (^ω^).