Thursday 10 May 2012


 asked a question
Did you actually compare Momo to a cockroach? That's disgusting -_____-

I received this message on my Tumblr, and another anonymous question saying "Racist much?".

Just because I pasted a pic of a cockroach below HoneyKittenMomo's video, doesn't mean I compared her to a cockroach. I have been annoyed by her messages in my Inbox, and what appeared in the blogs I was following.

Honestly, I don't like her personality more than her looks. She once sent me a message, saying "why didn't I reply to her ask?" I checked my Inbox and gmail, but I coundn't find what she meant.
She then sent me a message to the effect that I needed to reply to her privately, since she didn't read my Tumblr often.

I was a bit offended, because that was the time when I was doing my best to let Nico Nico cultures known to English speaking people. I poured a lot of energy into my activities.

Apart from this small incident, I always felt she isn't cut out for being "aidoru", for any type of aidoru.

Let's face it. Her looks are below average, even for Japanese standards. I don't know how her face would be popular in other countries, but I know her face doesn't "sell" in the Japanese market. That's not the issue of racism. It's a matter of people's taste.

If you change the color of her skin to cream or white, do you think she's an aidoru material?

I noticed there are some girls who aspire for becoming an aidoru; and that these people will never become one.

I paid respect to them, because they liked Japanese cultures. That's an honor as a Japanese guy!

However, I felt they needed to know the truth, that they were aiming for the sky that they will never reach.

I wrote a couple of months ago, in Japanese, that there are some aspiring aidorus who will never achieve their dreams in Japan. I wrote it after emmma360 got pissed off by my reply, and began to make false accusations about me [She said I deleted a post about her, though I never did. Which post did she mean? She can't tell, because she made it up, along with other stories.]

emmma360 got angry because I rejected her offer. I was the one who'd been annoyed by her offensive messages in my Inbox, half of which I ignored. Still I kept replying to her most questions, as you could confirm from the Archive ( ).

I helped her a lot. I spent some time replying to her questions. She never said thank you or gave credit to my help.

When I posted my plans, about sending e-mail to relevant companies about (very) promising dancers and dance videos, emmma360 wrote to me, saying she'll make sure to let me know when she's ready.

I keep calm in most of the time, but this time, something made a small blast in my mind. I had kept helping her. She once sent me messages whether to quit J-POP dancing community. I replied, she should find a hobby at which she's good at. She didn't get the hint, and continued to post her own dance videos.

I was OK with that. Posting J-POP dancing on YT was what emmma360 chose as her hobby. I encouraged her to do MMD collaboration videos, though.

When I proclaimed I was going to send e-mail to relevant companies spending a whole year, emmma360 was the first one who sent me a message. In there, she thanked me for the first time in the history of sending her questions to my Inbox. She had never appreciated my help till then.

emmma360 was not the only one whom I found ego-centric. Several people sent me questions about technical stuff, and never returned feedback. They give credit to their dancers friends quite casually, never me. I felt like being treated like a slave.

That's why I decided in early March to quit my activities spreading the cultures of Nico Nico Douga. I had also been annoyed by people who came to my Tumblr just for the purpose of advertising. "What's your opinion about A, B and C?" "...about A, D and E?" "...about A, E and F?" KittyRain (=A) was not the only person who makes this kind questions quite often.

I noticed there were a lot of such people who are ego-centric from the people who aspire for becoming an aidoru. In Japanese society where people value courtesy more than any other aspects, they will never achieve their success.

I wrote a couple of months ago, in Japanese, that there are several aspiring aidorus who will never achieve their dreams because of their looks. I'm sure some people who can read Japanese got offended by this post. I confessed I was in a tough situation where some one should help them realize the truth. I had emmma360, manaspaceman, teyaberri, xCherryPandax, Hanabiflare and such persons in mind when I posted it. Manaspaceman must have read it, and thought I was referring to her.

For the people who think I'm biased against black people, you got the wrong idea. Please take a look at this pic. This is from the channel of  . When I watched her video about K-POP, I was enchanted by her cuteness.

This person is not the only black person whom I find attractive. I once posted in my main Tumblr the pic of this girl named Morrigan who cosplayed in lolita fashion. I liked that picture so much, and tried to find her Youtube, which I haven't been able to have any luck.

Yaima (blackmoon902) is half-Japanese, half-black. She is beautiful, pretty and cute. I'm sure most Japanese people will like her face-- that's why I chose her for my "List".

Sorry for being honest. This is my personal blog. As I wrote before, this blog is a carefree blog. My main Tumblr ( is mostly of public nature, although I enjoyed posting articles and replying to the questions from people.

Honestly, I can't possibly think HoneyKittenMomo,  Manaspaceman and Hanabiflare will commercially be successful with those faces; not that they are not pretty, but they don't have the type of face Japanese people will adore. Please don't say I'm racist just because I happen to not think their faces are for Japanese people to admire. I also think Maxine (Velveetaah's daughter) doesn't have the face Japanese people will pay to view.

Both Hanabiflare and Maxine, do they have the talent, singing or otherwise, that would make up for the lack of prettiness (for average Japanese people's tastes)? I don't think so!


  1. Lol, Okay, Someone linked me to this so this is all I'm going to say. I wasn't trying to be rude when I sent you that message oh so many months ago. I simple asked if you've recieved my message. And maybe I wanted to have it answered privately because I want to make sure I recieved the answer. Why was that so bad and demeaning to you? And I don't care if you don't like me or my face because funny thing, I have many Japanese admirers and fans. You clearly have no idea. Okay, that's just to clear all of this up. You might like black girls but not dark skinned black girls because funny thing: you only find the light skinned half-black girls attractive. But in the end, who cares. Don't go on using ur biased opinion as fact.

  2. Seriously, none of us give a crap about your silly opinion on how we look. You can say all you want about how "we don't have the face of an idol" and how just talent won't make it but guess what? We don't care. We'll keep living our lives and striving for our dreams since Japan probably isn't as stereotypical and judgmental as you. Besides I don't even want to be an idol. I want to become a Jrocker, so leave me, Momo, and the rest of these GORGEOUS, TALENTED girls out of your bs.

  3. I wondered where my ask went. Found it! I already said this but I still think that while it is your blog, if you invite people to read it, they will see whatever it is they want to see in it. I saw a picture of a roach and immediately assumed you were comparing her to one until you told me that's not what it meant. I'm sorry people didn't appreciate your help more when you gave it to them. I really appreciated your help!! But a word of caution. If you give your honest and I mean HONEST opinion about anybody they won't always thank you for it!! Good luck!

  4. @ Ki Mo, I agree with you!
    And @Confused and Honey Momo, I feel like you two are being a little unrealistic. Even if you try hard sometimes, you aren't going to succeed. I think that some things you just have to be naturally 'gifted' I guess, wether it be looks, voice, dancing, etc. I don't think Honey Momo has that. She also tries too hard, but also at the same time not hard enough. She's a bit chubby and her singing isn't great, and needs some work. Also, 'Confused', are you by any chance HanabiFlare? Because I remember that she/(or you?) wanted to be a J-pop/J-rock singer.
    Harsh truth for some, but some girls just don't have the looks or talent to become an idoru. I'm sorry, but it's true. Sorry Honey Momo and others.

    Even if you try, sometimes the results won't happen. (I think Dansanohimitsu is kind of unrealistic in saying, 'if you try really hard, you definitely will get somewhere!') I know it's disappointing, but that's not true as much as I'd like it to be. And also using the examples of Kotakoti & Magibon aren't very good since they (well, at least Magibon) were pretty cute (lol, besides her teeth). Kotakoti is a bit too fake for my taste though, but I can see why she gained popularity.

    And as for Jrcach, I appreciate the work you put into trying to help people/YT dancers become more familiar with NND. Thank you! I'm going to be a silent supporter of you. I look forward to more posts!
