Friday 11 May 2012

You know, Google Translate is a God-like machine...if you'd like to translate the languages similar to each other.
You need to use this website every day, if you're learning Japanese. Kanji Converter.

Google Translate provides you with the transliteration (furigana) of Japanese text. You should just click on the A mark with two dots over it.

Kanji Converter does much more than that. It gives you the breakdown of the sentences, and the definition of each component of them.

You need to know the meaning of this sentence: まだそのダンスは私にとって難しすぎます。

Input this into the field. Look at the radio buttons to the right of the field. The default setting is, "Kanji to spaced words".

OK, click "Translate Now".  It gives you this:

It gives you the transliteration of the Japanese text.

Now, click the next radio button, "Readings in brackets". It gives you this:

It gives you the same transliteration, only in brackets.

Now click the 3rd radio button, "Furigana". It gives you this:

Ah, it also gives you the transliteration of the text. It's basically the same with 1st and 2nd.

Now click on thr 4th. "Detailed word info".

Everyone, this is the most powerful function this website has to offer. It gives you the breakdown of the components of the text, giving each its definition. Like this:

Everyone, you can't afford to not use this website, if you're going to improve your Japanese quickly!
Google Translate and Kanji Converter, these twe websites are your friends from now on!

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